Images are memories and treasures. Beauty surrounds us; we just need to notice it. Like a winter tree saving energy to bloom, we assess our lives for new directions. Each path has meaning; trust your instincts and enjoy each day. Accept your evolving self, as every experience helps you grow. No one is perfect; learn from your past and live in the present. Don’t hold grudges or dwell on the past; create brighter experiences instead.

Life isn’t about what you have but what you make of it, what you overcome, and how you love. You may seem "too much" to some—too loud, too soft, etc.—but you will always fit perfectly with those who care for you.

When I met my husband in 2003, I never imagined becoming a photographer. I used a simple camera to take photos and send them for processing. Starting life with Paul, he bought a digital camera, joined a camera club, and began entering contests. Eventually, I became the club's secretary. After Paul upgraded his camera, I tried an SLR for the first time and started capturing images of local grey squirrels. Paul has always printed photos at home, and soon my images were entering contests too.

I enjoy various photography styles, including motorsport, landscapes, street photography, and creative shots. I recently got a macro lens to photograph British wildflowers and my favorite, trees. As a Reiki Master, I love healing and have a page called Earth Energies where I pair my images with inspiring words.